ADELAIDE, AUSNot much to report today, except probably the hottest environment in the history of bike riding. It seems a bit cruel for xc to be racing middle of the day tomorrow. Hard to nail down an actual temperature on the hill, but someone said 37-40C.

The fire levels are only at severe, needs to be extreme for them to take action. Who knows, supposed to be hotter tomorrow. With only one exit out of the park, precautions are good. I joked that all it would take is a pedal clipping a rock for a spark to take the whole place down. Eagle Bike park has been here awhile and is still standing, so not that likely.

Just a few runs today, getting the track down. Got my bike a little more balanced, but the slippery dirt is tough to ride. We are on our new world cup -Norco Aurums.

Chris Kovarik showed up today, so most all the big name Aussies are ready to race, no Claire though:(.  Jared Graves is a full Downhiller again having lost his BMX ass, and down 7-8 kgs. Sammy and Troy are looking pretty dialled. Bryn's going really good. Both Rhys' are on it, Mitch Delfs is super stealth, can't find him at all out there, but yeah, you would expect all that. Kye Hore was telling me how sweaty he was, so I responded by calling him a sweaty Hore:) my homie.

They Raced 4x finals tonight. The women's race was cancelled cause only one registered, I was going to do it to fill out the numbers for the other girl, but she didn't want to do it either. Think only like 11 men total in the pro category. Grame Mudd might have won. That's what Rando said anyway. Rando is kinda doing like his own omnium- brought one 6" Giant bike and is racing every event, same tires, same settings, drop post, just loving it. Is bike isn't really that good for any one discipline, but as a whole, he's winning.

The Koala moved locations, even closer to the action today. He's hanging out watching looking all cute in the trees. Bryn was tripping out about it's claws, and crazy eyes, but he needed to focus more on the fluffy ears I think.

Finished the day out with a swim in the ocean and a sunset over the water, which is the first one in Oz I have ever seen. Nice.

Seeding tomorrow if it's not too hot.