Well after a pretty crappy trip here; having been delayed in denver and a missed the connection, stayed in a hotel in chicago and waited for the next flight, then arrived a day late with no bikes. Missed the track walk.
Got my bike bright and early this morning, Marshy built it up, registered, pulled number 13 again, had one cruisy run, then in my second run crashed so hard in the fastest spot possible on the track from loose rock "death cookie" under my front wheel. Swap of doom, landing on a bridge and rocks going fast enough:( . My gear had so much orange spray paint on it from the danger markings I landed on, not fun. I called it a day after that. one and a half runs in. Suprisingly, no major damage, swell-bow elbow and some bruises, but will be fine.
THe ruts and weather today were worse than anywhereI have ever seen. Track was in a constant state of puddles and poor visibility. Had myself a proper track walk instead of making my swollen joints any worse. Conditions are supposed to improve, but it's gonna be sloppy for then next couple days at least. Quali tomorrow is all about just getting in the mix top 20...