"Triple J will be holding a phone interview with BMX, 4X and DH legend Jill Kintner, live from Newton’s Nation! Tune in at 3.10pm Friday to hear the interview" That is all. http://www.newtonsnation.com.au/newsItems/56
So I will be on the air to speak about the festival this weekend at Newton's nation. Nice how they said I was already a Downhill legend:) Anyway, hopefully I don't let them down, or get bleeped :).
Cory Nastazio is gonna be there for the BMX comp they said, maybe you'll hear him too, I'll say hi to him for you guys. Aussies love Americans:)
Reading through the info , there is a razor scooter comp. You see millions of groms in oz dominating the skateparks, but this is a new level, comps:) Custom bars, colors. I'm for sure gonna have to see what it's all about. crazy.