www.CRANKWORX.com . Just finished up the week up at whistler and had a pretty good run, winning 3 of the 3 events I entered, and on 3 different Bikes ( Aurum DH, Rampage HT,and my slalom bike).
This was my first Air DH win, and I am really proud of that given the conditions and competition. Ragot was fresh off her World Cup win in Mt.St.Anne and won here last year. My time was nearly 5 seconds faster, in the rain too. Bit of a unique DH race, tons of jumps and a bit smoother, but quite physical and long with a lot of pedaling. Super blown out this year too. I was on the fence which bike to ride; trail or dh, and went with my dh bike with some faster rolling maxxis 2.5 single ply minion tires. Takes a lot of practice to remember which jumps to brake check or not, where to pedal, braking spots, etc. Easy but hard if that makes sense. It's not as alive or steep as usual world cup tracks, stays consistent and hard packed, which has it's own challenges. So Yeah, Stoked on my run, it was a good one:) .
4-peat in pumptrack was pretty sweet too. I got kinda nervous for the final with so many people and the announcer taking his time and just chanting 4-peat 4-peat in the start. Caroline Buchannan had just won BMX world championship 2 weeks ago and had good drive down the straightaways, but I think my cornering won it. We both kinda messed up foot placements on the starts in different rounds, mine wasn't too bad with the flats, could adjust my foot a bit. Clips were bumming on the start but better on the pumping. It was super close though and really fun. Such a rad event, there should be more of those types of events.
Then slalom, which is my favorite event usually. Love slalom!!!. It was raining and really steamy for visibility. The course looked good, but was super easy and short. Still fun though. Kinda glad it rained actually to slow it down and add a little something. It was a close one between Caroline and I again, but I won. Top 4 girls were really good, so that was awesome to see.
My 3 event wins were enough to take the overall- queen of gravity title:) It's best to sort of pick and choose events for me, cause there is a lot going on in Whistler, and other social activities. By the time sunday rolls around on day 10 there is not much left as far as Focus goes. My main goal is on the next couple weeks at world champs and the last two world cups.
Only sad part is that Bryn had a crash while filming with the Parkin Bros, and broke his collar bone. Spent Saturday and Sunday dealing with that at the hospital. Canadian surgery is kinda whack. He got put on a waiting list, and spent two days totally broken waiting for a phone call. We ended up just going home and got it done. He's all fixed up, plated, and doing fine, but not good news to report:(
Thx to all our friends and sponsors for making vicories and good times possible. South africa worlds is next.