VALLNORD, ANDORRARace day approaches here in Andorra. We have had a few days of practice and a seeding run so far. The evolution of this natural, steep track has been awesome. It started wet, dried out, and now the ruts are in place and the ground is rolling fast. From course walk, this track was pretty intimidating, but turned out to be one of my favorites to ride. It's rough as guts now, and lines have evolved as well. From Day 1 to race day is a big contrast. Pretty proud of my riding here. I feel good, had a good pic from quali I think, check it.

I was 8th in seeding. Bryn may have jumped the gun a bit, still recovering from 2 broken vertebrae. Props for riding, but he wasn't able to qualify.

Manon Carpenter from the UK won ladies seeding, and Sam Hill the men's.